How To Register:1. Pay The $35 Fee to Register your team with NAFA. 2. Use the form below to REGISTER YOUR TEAM for a tournament. 3. Use the button below to PAY YOUR TOURNAMENT FEE online. PLEASE GO TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR TOURNAMENT REGISTRATION. |
NAFA understands the passion and desire to get back on the fields, however, until there is a vaccine, cure, or treatment found for COVID-19, we strongly recommend that players, coaches and all spectators adhere to the guidelines and safety precautions presented. The information and guidelines are not meant to replace those given, at any time, by the CDC or other governing bodies, nor should they replace any professional medical advice, or opinions. NAFA does not assume any liability or responsibility for the recommendations herein. Further, NAFA does not assume any liability or responsibility for the health or safety, specifically in regards to the contraction of COVID-19 or any medical issues related to the contraction of COVID-19, by any player, coach, spectator or staff who choose to participate in a NAFA event. Members of the community who have been determined by the CDC, or their medical professional, to be ‘high-risk’ should continue to shelter in place and not participate in attending a NAFA event during this time.